Our national network has been built from the ground up

A network owned, managed and maintained by us without any reliance on third-parties. This enables us to provide you highly responsive support and address any issues quickly. We have local qualified engineers who can provide critical support 24×7 

Our network connects us with all major carriers, so we do not rely on any single carrier for system availability. This allows us to provide you backup solutions which are highly robust.

What you get is a highly resilient data and voice service to run your business.

Technical Details:

  • 10Gb peering with two major peering partners
  • 1Gb Transit with two separate carriers in both Melbourne and Sydney
  • Dual hardware (routers & switches) at every PoP
  • Multihomed with two disparate carriers for interstate connectivity
  • Ability to provide private networks with dedicated bandwidth to all major cloud providers (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
  • Out of band remote access to every PoP to manage hardware
  • IPv6 enabled

National Locations

Our Points of Presence (POPs) are in major cities throughout Australia.

Our Network Coverage

NextDC M1


NextDC S1


NextDC B1




NextDC P1

We have established partnerships with


Call us today on 1300 550 125 or complete the enquiry form below and we’ll get back to you.

Complete the form below and we’ll get back to you

MPLS Network Concept