Comvergence completes major voice platform upgrade

Comvergence has successfully completed the second phase of a major upgrade to our voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) infrastructure, further enhancing the security, stability and overall user experience for our customers and their businesses.
Phase two, completed in mid-November, builds on the major upgrade to our PortaOne platform carried out in August.
The new hardware and software installations over the two phases of the planned update represent a shift to a far superior operating platform that ensures expected future software updates from PortaOne will be much easier to implement.
PortaOne is a converged wholesale billing software system that enables Comvergence to offer our customers multiple telecommunication and internet telephony services with a single software platform.
“This upgrade puts us exactly where we need to be in terms of having the very latest, most stable and scalable platform that Porta One has to offer,” Comvergence Director Brian Michaels explains.
“It sets us up to provide additional services and new features to existing IP Centrex clients and also provides additional controls for Comvergence to interact more intelligently with our interconnection partners.
“For our customers and business partners, this means a communications infrastructure with better control features and DIY functionality that’s easier for them to manage.”
Comvergence is committed to delivering the very best in holistic, hosted communication solutions that save our clients time and money so they can focus on what they do and know best – running their business.
Any customers with positive feedback to share, issues regarding the recent system upgrades or general account queries are encouraged to contact us by emailing or via the contact form on our website.

Voice platform upgrade

December 2012