A range of new solutions, upgrades and security features have been added to our suite of products to better serve you.
Earlier this year we doubled our internet bandwidth and now offer high speed NBN connections and a DSL2 with annex M also available with upload speeds of 3MB. As well, we have introduced a new email-to-fax product in order to send out faxes from your email client.
Marketing via SMS is also very popular and can be easily done as simple sending a few words in the subject line or main body and receive a reply back directly.
At present, we are migrating our core facilities from our data centre in Dryburgh Street to NextDC, better known as M1, in Port Melbourne. As we all but close another year, we are about 60 per cent of the way through relocating all voice services, VMware platforms, majority DSL services, wireless connections and a number of EFM connections.
Relocating the balance of services is expected to be completed by early 2014.